October 2nd Mortgage Industry Update
October 2nd, 2014 Mortgage Industry Update
One of our main lenders decreased their 5 year variable interest rate to 2.20%!!! There is a possibility some lenders will follow, for the month of October.
Additionally this week:
– The Toronto Star released an article stating the GTA is expected to lead country in luxury home sales. [fancy_link link_text=”Learn More” url=”http://www.thestar.com/business/2014/09/04/gta_expected_to_lead_country_in_luxury_home_sales.html?app=noRedirect” float=”none”].
– A new poll stated that GTA homebuyers are choosing convenience over size. [fancy_link link_text=”Learn More” url=”http://www.cbc.ca/news/business/gta-homebuyers-choose-convenience-over-size-1.2776390?cmp=rss” float=”none”].
– First-time homebuyers are feeling the weight of Canada’s housing boom. [fancy_link link_text=”Learn More” url=”http://business.financialpost.com/2014/09/27/first-time-homebuyers-are-feeling-the-weight-of-canadas-housing-boom/?utm_content=buffer37713&utm_medium=social&utm_source=facebook.com&utm_campaign=buffer” float=”none”].
– The Globe And Mail released an interesting article comparing property taxes with different home values across Canada. [fancy_link link_text=”Learn More” url=”http://www.theglobeandmail.com/report-on-business/economy/housing/the-real-estate-beat/property-tax-survey-could-cause-grumbling-among-home-business-owners/article20795900/” float=”none”].
– Another strong month for GTA new-home sales. [fancy_link link_text=”Learn More” url=”http://www.bildgta.ca/media_releases_2014_detail.asp?id=957″ float=”none”].
Stay tuned for the next update!
For any questions and concerns please do not hesitate to call Harpreet Singh The Mortgage King at (416) 795-1919.