With Harpreet Singh
Mortage Solutions For Every Situation
Finding a great mortgage can be stressful and time-consuming. However, at Centum Canada, we’ve been successfully delivering the best rate to tens of thousands of our satisfied clients for nearly a decade. We know which lenders have the best rates and we negotiate with multiple lenders simultaneously. We know the system and have the industry knowledge required to present successful proposals for financing to lenders. Since the lenders compensate us in most cases, we usually offer our services free of charge to our clients!
New Home Purchase
If you’re purchasing a home we have a wide variety of mortgage and financing solutions for you! We know that different people need different things in a mortgage. We offer homebuyers access to rate information and mortgage options from a wide range of lenders, including most of the major banks and lending institutions. We have an outstanding range of mortgages and lenders available to help you build a mortgage blueprint that fits your financial goals and future.
Mortgage Renewals
The mortgage environment is always changing – if you’re in the last year of your mortgage, it’s not too early to talk about what the next few months will bring. When a term is coming to a close, most banks will send a mortgage renewal notice in the mail usually one to two months prior to the term expiration. Unfortunately, the banks only tend to offer you their posted rate with very little or no discount and only have one financial product to sell: their own. Almost 60 percent of people renewing their mortgage sign this renewal without researching what the competition has to offer. The Mortgage King is here to offer you advice so you can take advantage of the competitive mortgage market.
By refinancing your mortgage to a lower interest rate you could potentially save yourself a lot of money! Imagine all the things you could do with all that extra interest saved! For this reason, it is important to get some professional advice at least once a year to consider your options. Refinancing your mortgage is an excellent way to liquidate some cash and put your equity to use, regardless of your need. Refinancing could help you buy investments, a new car(s), investment property, a vacation, finance education, renovations, or one of life’s largest milestones – such as a child’s wedding. A record number of Canadians have taken advantage of the historic low mortgage rates and rising real estate values to tap into their home equity. There has never been a better time to access the extra funds that can help bring your home to that next level of comfort.
Debt Consolidation
Mortgages generally qualify as good debt; they are usually available at the lowest possible rates, represent a good investment and an appreciating asset. Bad debt saddles you with high interest rates – often on depreciating assets. High credit card debt is one of the worst kinds of debt and afflicts most Canadians at some point in their lives. But if you have equity in your home, then you have an opportunity to turn bad debt to good debt – by refinancing and rolling high-interest debt into your mortgage for big interest savings. A new mortgage may be the best way to manage all of your debt. Moving your high-interest debt into a lower-rate mortgage is a great way to save on your overall interest costs, improve your cash flow, and begin the process of improving your credit rating.
Contact the Mortgage King today!
With the wide assortment of options and features available today for a mortgage, renewal, refinance, or debt consolidation, shopping around takes a lot of time and effort. The mortgage process can be intimidating to many Canadian homebuyers, thus it’s wise to begin with some advice from a professional that will represent you and ensure the mortgage you get is the one best suited to your needs. Simply talking with The Mortgage King can help you understand how much of a mortgage you can manage and allow you to explore both traditional and innovative mortgage options.
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